
Fêtes des loges


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SubjectFête des Loges
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OriginOfficial Site- Fête des Loges
Word of the Mayor
Revision date26/04/2023

Saint-Germain-en-Laye is a city of history but also a city that knows how to renew itself while respecting its past and its identity. La Fête des Loges is the perfect illustration of our attachment to tradition, since it has been held since 1652, and of our aspiration to modernity. The fairground world uses its imagination every year to offer visitors surprising attractions in what is the biggest summer funfair in France. It is a great source of pride for our city to welcome it and be by the fairgrounds throughout these seven weeks of celebration and entertainment. Everyone will find again this year what makes the essence and the fame of La Fête des Loges with its usual inauguration, the eagerly awaited election of the Queen of the Lodges, the traditional Saint-Fiacre and the gourmet alley of the kitchens. As always, the Fairground Committee and the City worked side by side to perpetuate the festive spirit and its family character in the heart of our beautiful forest in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Let the festivities begin !

Arnaud Péricard,
Mayor of Saint-Germain-en-Laye